掲載論文 2011年 (Vol.8)

種別 ページ 抄録 本文 / 著者
論文 320-330 座面に可動性のあるオフィスチェアでのデスクワーク時の骨盤の動きと体幹筋群の筋活動
論文 306-318 中国成人における推奨身体活動の充足に関連する心理的、社会的および環境的要因
馬佳濛, 柴田愛, 村岡功
論文 296-305 Effects of Genetic Variations in HIF-1α on Physiological Response to Hypoxia
Tomonori Ogata, Ken Tokizawa, Satoru Kajikawa, Isao Muraoka
論文 270-279 Effects of an Early Evening 10-km Run on Nocturnal Sleep Homeostatically Degraded by an Afternoon Nap
Kohei Shioda, Keiko Ogawa, Shoichi Asaoka, Teruyo Mitsuyama, Kouji Yoshikawa, Sunao Uchida
論文 262-269 三次元微細振動刺激を用いた浮腫軽減効果の検討 – bioelectrical impedance analysis を用いた検証
論文 176-183 立位にて足関節底屈位を保持した際の荷重位置が下腿筋活動に及ぼす影響
論文 166-175 投球動作における肩甲骨周囲筋群の筋活動特性
論文 155-165 パフォーマンスレベルからみたバスケットボールのフリースローにおけるボール到達位置
元安陽一,栗原俊之,勝亦陽一,金久博昭,倉石平,川上泰雄, 福永哲夫,矢内利政
論文 144-154 運動中のハイポトニック飲料の自由摂取が体液および電解質バランスに及ぼす影響
論文 35-47 スポーツ観戦者における経験価値の比較に関する研究:個人属性の違いに着目して
齋藤れい, 原田宗彦, 広瀬盛一
論文 12-34 プロスポーツ観戦者の将来ファン行動に関する研究 – 感情と満足度に注目して
松井くるみ, 原田宗彦
論文 3-11 クロスカントリースキーのスタート局面におけるクラシカル走法の技術の特徴
資料 319 グローバルCOE レポート21: 第92回スポーツサイエンス研究会
資料 280-281 グローバルCOE レポート20: カルガリー大学との学術交流促進
資料 184-187 グローバルCOE レポート19: 第5回グローバルCOE国際シンポジウム
資料 140-143 グローバルCOE レポート19: サテライト国際シンポジウム
資料 55-60 グローバルCOE レポート18: 第4回グローバルCOE国際シンポジウム
資料 48-54 グローバルCOE レポート17: 博士課程3年による発表:博士論文の概要と後輩への助言
宮下政司, 曹振波, 中田大貴, 時澤健, 柴田愛, 宮本直和
資料 1-2 グローバルCOE レポート16: 第85回スポーツサイエンス研究会
Symposium 197-261 The 5th International Sport Science Symposium on “Sport Sciences for the Promotion of Active Life” Poster Presentation
A study on right or wrong of “foul game” in basketball: With focus on the controversy between Fraleigh and Simon
Mitsuharu Omine, Hidenori Tomozoe Comparative research on high level sport team in Japanese and Chinese university
Zhen Guo, Tomozoe Hidenori, Watanabe Teruya

Patterns of Physical Activity out of Class Time among Japanese Junior High School Students
Li HE, Kaori Ishii, Mai Sato, Ai Shibata, Koichiro Oka

The association of low birthweight with metabolic risk
Tomoko Aoyama, Kazuyo Tsushita, Nobuyuki Miyatake, Takeyuki Numata, Motohiko miyachi, Izumi Tabata, Zhen-Bo Cao, Shizuo Sakamoto, Mitsuru Higuchi

Do anthropometric parameters correlate with the Achilles tendon moment arm in adolescents ?
Satoru Hashizume, Soichiro Iwanuma, Yasuo Kawakami, Toshimasa Yanai

A one-year longitudinal study on the mechanical properties of the Achilles tendon in adolescent boys
Yasuyoshi Mogi, Toshimasa Yanai

Sleep deprivation research for clarifying the mechanisms of the cardiovascular events during exercise: Focus on stress and circulation systems
Masayuki Konishi, Masaki Takahashi, Hiroki Tabata, Naoya Endo, Shigeharu Numao, Shun Takagi, Yuka Yamada, Masashi Miyashita, Taishi Midorikawa, Katsuhiko Suzuki, Shizuo Sakamoto

Utility of three-dimensional photonic image scanning technique for estimating percent body fat in adults and children
Kayo Shitara, Toshimasa Yanai, Yasuo Kawakami

The Introduction and Acceptance of Japanese Yakyuu in Taiwan: Take Taiwanese Kano Baseball Team in Japanese Colonial Period for Example
Sheng-Lung Lin, Sogawa Tsuneo

The Relevant Factors of Social Participation among Older adults: A Review of Previous Research
Shunji An, Ai Shibata, Kaori Ishii , Koichiro Oka

Three-dimensional Error-assessment of the Acromia-Sensor-Tracking protocol to Measure Scapular Movements in Different Arm Positions and Physique
Manabu Kosaka, Toshimasa Yanai

The difference of hardness change before and after exercise with two different stretching methods -including differences with two hardness measuring methods-
Takahisa Yonezu, Toru Fukubayashi

A Study of Leisure and Sports Policy for the Elderly in Japan and Taiwan
Lin, Tzu-yu, Seiichi Sakuno2

Motor Programming of Response Complexity and Movement Duration
Lu Xu, Hiroaki Masaki

Does habitual physical activity affect the ability to regulate energy intake?
Takafumi Ando, Shigeho Tanaka, Mitsuru Higuchi

Acupuncture Ameliorated Immobilization-induced Skeletal Muscle Atrophy in Mice
Akiko Onda, Jiao Qibin, Susumu Minamisawa, Toru Fukubayashi

Effects of 12-weeks walking programme on oxidative stress markers in older adults
Masaki Takahashi, Masashi Miyashita, Jong-Hwan Park, Noriaki Kawanishi, Harumi Hayashida, Hyun-Shik Kim, Yoshio Nakamura, Katsuhiko Suzuki, Shizuo Sakamoto

Whose Ethnic Dance is it? – The Vicissitudes of Modern Belly Dance
Yuchi Chang, Sogawa Tsuneo

The effects of low-intensity aerobic exercise on oxidised low-density lipoprotein and scavenger receptor expression in older adults
Jong-Hwan Park, Masashi Miyashita, Masaki Takahashi, Noriaki Kawanishi, Harumi Hayashita, Hyun-Shik Kim, Katsuhiko Suzuki, Yoshio Nakamura

Changes in arousal associated with habitual physical activity in older adults
Seongryu Bae, Katuo Yamazaki, Hiroaki Masaki

The role of eHealth literacy on effective eHealth promotion: The review for the concept and recent trends of eHealth Literacy
Seigo Mitsutake, Ai Shibata, Kaori Ishii, Koichiro Oka

Effect of Voluntary Exercise and Energy Restriction on Bone Mineral Density in Female Rat Model
Kaoru Yanaka, Mitsuru Higuchi,Yoshiko Ishimi

Patterns and socio-demographic correlates of meeting physical activity recommendations among normal-weight and overweight Japanese men
Yung Liao, Kazuhiro Harada, Ai Shibata, Kaori Ishii, Koichiro Oka, Yoshio Nakamura, Shigeru Inoue, Teruichi Shimomitsu

Effects of home-based rowing training using resistance tube on cardiorespiratory fitness and atherosclerosis index in elderly men
Meiko Asaka, Hiroshi Kawano, Shizuo Sakamoto, Mitsuru Higuchi

Effect of Body Weight Supported Walking on lower-limb muscle activities
Natsuka Inoue, Toru Fukubayashi

Age-related Changes in the Muscle Thickness of the Deep and Superficial Abdominal Muscles
Megumi Ota, Tome Ikezoe, Koji Kaneoka, Noriaki Ichihashi

Mechanisms of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis improvement by exercise training
Kawanishi Noriaki, Katsuhiko Suzuki

Psychological, social, and environmental factors associated with utilization of senior center among older adults in Korea
Hyun-Shik Kim, Kazuhiro Harada, Masashi Miyashita, Jong-Hwan Park, Jae-Moo So, Yoshio Nakamura

Effect of heavy resistance training on rectal temperature and polysomnograph during sleep
Kohei Shioda, Sunao Uchida

Reliability and validity of the healthy eating literacy (HEL) scale among Japanese adults
Kanae Takaizumi, Kazuhiro Harada, Ai Shibata, Yoshio Nakamura

Changes in cytokines and leucocyte activation after low- and moderate-intensity exercise during menstruation
Harumi Hayashida, Mayura Shimura, Kazue Kanda, Kaoru Sugama, Katsuhiko Suzuki

Age Differences in the Relation of Perceived Neighborhood Environment to Walking among Chinese adult women in Beijing
Jiameng Ma, Ai Shibata, Isao Muraoka

Relationship between anticipation and kinematic parameter in tennis serve with video: assessment using temporal occlusion paradigm
Takahiro Ogata, Hirofumi Ida, Kazunobu Fukuhara, Toru Fukubayashi

A study of muscle relaxation in intralimb multijoint movement
Kouki Kato, Hiroki Nakata, Kazuyuki Kanosue

Impact and swing parameters for determining the kinetic energy of the batted ball in baseball
Shuji Kidokoro, Taku Wakahara, Toshimasa Yanai

Effect of continuous partial sleep deprivation on sport related performances
Chie Kubota, Kohei Shioda, Takuto Kojima, Junya Sumitomo, Masashi Ganako, Sunao Uchida

The factor for legacies of the demonstration program on host communities
Yu Sekimoto, Kazuhiko Kimura, Yoshio Nakamura

A cross-cultural study of dancesport in East Asia
Cheng, Chia Chi

The comparative study of Japan and Taiwan baseball fan culture
Chang Wen Uei, Lee A.Thompson

Cyclic modulation of MEP in wrist muscles during rhythmic flexion-extension movements of the foot does not reflect the behavioral performance using the two limbs
Kento Nakagawa, Tetsuro Muraoka, Kazuyuki Kanosue

Influence of elongation of human gastrocnemii muscle-tendon units on soleus muscle-tendon unit behavior in vivo
Kosuke Hirata, Taku Wakahara, Yasuo Kawakami

Does breathing technique affect the leg-sinking effect of buoyancy in horizontal aligned swimmer? : A preliminary report
Yusuke Maruyama, Shoji Konda, Toshimasa Yanai

A New Approach for Assessing Kinematics of Torso Twist in Baseball Batting
Yoshitaka Morishita, Toshimasa Yanai

Characteristics affecting the difference of physical activity level in female athletes
Asumi Yoshida, Kazuko Ishikawa-Takata, Motoko Taguchi, Mitsuru Higuchi

The analysis of movements in aerobic gymnastics to propose drills for beginners
Liang Ying, Kazuyuki Kanosue

National Identity and sporting stereotypes in Modern Chinese Press Coverage of Foreign and Chinese Athletes
Yiyin Ding, Lee Thompson

The numbers of bacteria on the player’s skin surface increase, in a basketball game
Nobuhiko Eda, Kazuhiro Shimizu, Satomi Suzuki, Lee Eujae, Takao Akama

The relationship between body weight gain and prevalence of metabolic syndrome risks in collegiate American football players
Satomi Oshima, Sakiho Miyauchi, Hiroshi Kawano, Meiko Asaka, Suguru Torii, Mitsuru Higuchi

Heart-capturing (Delight) scene in watching sport
Daichi Oshimi, Harada Munehiko

The Relationship between Change in Perceived Motivational Climate and Change in Goal Orientations among Japanese Ice Hockey Players in the Season
Homare Saotome, Kazuhiro Harada, Yoshio Nakamura

Differences in the whole body rotation mechanism between sidestep cutting and curvilinear-running
Takahiko Sato, Toshimasa Yanai

Difference in knee joint mechanics during cutting with and without a lacrosse stick
Manabu Sanomura, Masanori Sakaguchi, Yasuaki Saho, Toru Fukubayashi

Association between stages of change for healthy eating behavior and nutritional knowledge among collegiate athletes
Daigo Takahashi, Kensuke Sakai, Ai Shibata , Kaori Ishii , Koichiro Oka

Acute effects of pre-batting warm-up with weighted bat on the bat swing speed and preciseness (progress report)
Takatoshi Higuchi, Tomoyuki Nagami, Hiroki Nakata Kazuyuki Kanosue

Difference of the activation level measured by twitch interpolation technique between plantar flexor and adductor pollicis muscles
Atsuki Fukutani, Naokazu Miyamoto, Hiroaki Kanehisa, Toshimasa Yanai, Yasuo Kawakami

A study on the lifestyle of the new endurance sports participants – Focus on triathlon participants-
Kurumi Matsui, Munehiko Harada

Mitochondrial DNA variations associated with elite Japanese athlete status: evidence from analysis of 185 complete mitochondrial DNA sequences
Eri Mikami, Noriyuki Fuku, Hideyuki Takahashi, Nao Ohiwa, Yannis P. Pitsiladis, Mitsuru Higuchi, Takashi Kawahara, Masashi Tanaka

Increased daily-activity alters thermal perception and behavioral thermoregulation in mice: exercise may induce neuropsychological adaptation to heat
Cheng-Hsien Lin, Ken Tokizawa, Mayumi Nakamura, Yuki Uchida, Hisae Mori, and Kei Nagashima

Proximal and distal factors on knee joint kinetics during running
Masanori Sakaguchi, Norifumi Shimizu, Toshimasa Yanai, Yasuo Kawakami

Biomechanical approach for measuring field sports performance from video sequences: A case report in 4 defensive soccer scenes using model-based image-matching technique
Shogo Sasaki, Hideyuki Koga, Toru Fukubayashi

The difference in ball flight trajectory between four-seam fastball and two-seam fastball thrown by baseball pitchers
Tomoyuki Nagami, Takatoshi Higuchi, Toshimasa Yanai, Kazuyuki Kanosue

Leukocyte counts are influenced by menstrual cycle and carbohydrate ingestion in women during prolonged exercise in a hot environment
Hideki Hashimoto, Toshimichi Ishijima, Katsuhiko Suzuki, Mitsuru Higuchi

Hamstring muscle activation properties during running – A study using the time-frequency analysis –
Ayako Higahsihara1, Toru Fukubayashi1

Contribution of upper- and lower-limb to propulsive force during V2 skate in cross-country skiing
Zenya Fujita, Jun Tsuchiya

Brain activities during motor imagery of an action with an object: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study
Nobuaki Mizuguchi, Takuji Hayashi, Hiroki Nakata, Kazuyuki Kanosue

Symposium 188-196 The 5th International Sport Science Symposium on “Sport Sciences for the Promotion of Active Life” Symposium – Role of exercise in the prevention of obesity: does physiological compensatory response link behavioural compensatory response?
Exercise and appetite regulation: appetite responses to acute exercise
David J Stensel The interaction between exercise and appetite: hedonic and homeostatic compensatory responses
Neil King

Exercise and hormonal regulation of appetite: Sex differences and implications for body weight control
Todd Hagobian

Heart-capturing (Delight) scene in watching sport
Daichi Oshimi, Harada Munehiko

The role of physical activity in the prevention of Atheroscleroticcardiovascular disease in older adults
Jong-Hwan Park, Masashi Miyashita, Masaki Takahashi, Noriaki Kawanishi,Katsuhiko Suzuki, Yoshio Nakamura

Mitochondrial DNA and exercise performance
Eri Mikami, Noriyuki Fuku, Hideyuki Takahashi, Nao Ohiwa, Yannis P. Pitsiladis, Mitsuru Higuchi, Takashi Kawahara, Masashi Tanaka

Increased daily-activity alters thermal perception and behavioral thermoregulation in mice: exercise may induce neuropsychological adaptation to heat
Cheng-Hsien Lin, Ken Tokizawa1, Mayumi Nakamura, Yuki Uchida, Hisae Mori, Kei Nagashima

The kinematics of hand and fingers to determine the spin rate of baseball fastball
Tomoyuki Nagami, Takatoshi Higuchi, Toshimasa Yanai, Kazuyuki Kanosue

Symposium 111-139 第4回グローバルCOE国際シンポジウム – Poster Presentation / Project III
The analysis of postural control ability in athletes with rotational motion
Haruo Iwata, Hiroki Nakata, Kai Kobayashi, Yusuke Uchida, Keiko Momose, Kazuyuki KanosueAlterations of skin immunity after high-intensity endurance exercise
Nobuhiko Eda, Sumihito Horiuchi, Kazuhiro Shimizu, Satomi Suzuki, Keisuke Nokura, Yoko Tanabe, Eunjae Lee, Takao AkamaThe influence of body weight and fat free mass on resting energy expenditure in male Japanese collegiate athletes
Satomi Oshima, Sakiho Miyauchi, Suguru Torii, Mitsuru Higuchi

The risk factors of lumbar intervertebral disc degeneration in collegiate rugby players
Satoru Otsuka, Osamu Yanagisawa, Mika Hangai3, Chie Sekine, Koji Kaneoka

Heart-capturing (Kandoh) scenes in sports
Daichi Oshimi, Munehiko Harada

The effects of passive static stretching and contract-relax proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation stretching on muscle fascicle length, pennation angle and tendon elongation during passive joint rotation
Eunsung Kim, Ayumi Yoshikawa, Yasuyoshi Mogi, Atsuki Fukutani, Naokazu Miyamoto, Taku Wakahara, Yasuo Kawakami, Toshimasa Yanai

A longitudinal perspective of the relationship between perceived motivational climate and goal orientations among Japanese high school ice hockey players
Homare Saotome, Kazuhiro Harada, Yoshio Nakamura

Preparatory movements during the pre-planned running turn with and without body rotation
Takahiko Sato, Toshimasa Yanai

Effect of the dominant leg and pivot leg and foot posture on the star excursion balance test
Manabu Sanomura, Toru Fukubayashi

Association between stages of change for healthy eating behavior and dietary nutritional status among collegiate athletes
Daigo Takahashi, Kensuke Sakai, Ai Shibata, Kaori Ishii, Kanzo Okazaki, Koichiro Oka

The difference of lumbar alignment between the standing and handstand positions of divers
Takaya Narita, Koji Kaneoka, Masahiro Takemura, Shumpei Miyakawa, Kouichi Ooyama

Spatio-temporal perception & bat control in baseball hitting
Takatoshi Higuchi, Tomoyuki Nagami, Nobuaki Mizuguchi, Hiroki Nakata, Kazuyuki Kanosue

Modification of the maximal voluntary concentric torque after a preceding contraction: A comparison between different muscle groups
Atsuki Fukutani, Naokazu Miyamoto, Hiroaki Kanehisa, Toshimasa Yanai, Yasuo Kawakami

A study on the lifestyle of sport participants -Focus on triathlon participants
Kurumi Matsui, Munehiko Harada

Polymorphisms in the control region of mitochondrial DNA associated with elite Japanese athlete status
Eri Mikami, Noriyuki Fuku, Hideyuki Takahashi, Nao Ohiwa, Yannis P. Pitsiladis, Mitsuru Higuchi, Takashi Kawahara, Masashi Tanaka

Physical activity may improve behavioral thermoregulation in mice
Lin Cheng-Hsien, Ken Tokizawa, Kei Nagashima

Sportswomen at modern times China-Through the content analysis of the modern times Chinese Newspaper Shen Bao
Ding Yiyin, Lee Thompson

Proximal and distal factors and step width on knee joint kinematics during running
Masanori Sakaguchi, Norifumi Shimizu, Toshimasa Yanai, Yasuo Kawakami

Application of model-based image-matching to the sport performance analysis:the case report of a comparison between real game situation and training situation
Shogo Sasaki, Toru Fukubayashi

The individual difference in fastball flight trajectory and ball spin in baseball pitching
Tomoyuki Nagami, Takatoshi Higuchi, Toshimasa Yanai, Kazuyuki Kanosue

Menstrual cycle and carbohydrate ingestion affect the increase in leucocytes during prolonged exercise in hot environment
Hideki Hashimoto, Toshimichi Ishijima, Katsuhiko Suzuki, Mitsuru Higuchi

Attempt for evaluation of muscle activation properties during running using the time-frequency analysis
Ayako Higashihara, Toru Fukubayashi

Characteristics of classic style technique during starting phase in cross-country skiing
Zenya Fujita, Ryuta Kinugasa, Kenji Tauchi, Jun Tsuchiya

Force dependent modulation of corticospinal excitability during motor imagery
Nobuaki Mizuguchi, Masanori Sakamoto, Hiroki Nakata, Kazuyuki Kanosue

The role of sensory feedback in sensory-motor learning
Rintaro Ogane, Masaaki Honda

Electromyography analysis of scapular muscles in baseball pitching Comparison fastball and curveball
Motozumi Kitsunai, Fuminari Kaneko, Toshihiko Hashimoto, Toru Fukubayashi

Efficacy of the injury prevention program on football -Knee and trunk kinematics during anticipated and unanticipated side-step cutting
Yasuaki Saho, Tomomi Suzuki, Takuma Hoshiba, Toru Fukubayashi

Impact of introduction of Compulsory Competitive Tendering on the number of users of public sports facilities
Hiroto Shoji, Yoshiyuki Mano, Yoshio Nakamura

Physical activity level of Japanese female collegiate athletes during the period of training
Motoko Taguchi, Kazuko Ishikawa-Takata, Mitsuru Higuchi

Symposium 90-110 第4回グローバルCOE国際シンポジウム – Poster Presentation / Project II
Substrate oxidation after breakfast may have different roles than after other meals
Takafumi Ando, Shigeho Tanaka, Mitsuru HiguchiEffect of electro-acupuncture on hindlimb suspension-induced skeletal muscle atrophy in mice
Akiko Onda, Jiao Qibin, Yasuharu Nagano, Takayuki Akimoto, Toshikazu Miyamto, Susumu Minamisawa, Toru Fukubayashi

Effects of different intensities of endurance exercise on oxidative stress and leukocyte activation markers
Masaki Takahashi, Katsuhiko Suzuki, Hideki Matoba, Shigeru Obara, Shizuo Sakamoto

Ethnic culture in modern leisure activities
Yu-chi Chang, Tsuneo Sogawa

The role of physical activity in the prevention of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease in older adults
Jong-Hwan Park, Masashi Miyashita, Masaki Takahashi, Noriaki Kawanishi, Katsuhiko Suzuki, Yoshio Nakamura

The relationship between the P300-related time frequency components and physical activity
Seongryu Bae, David Cucurell, Katsuo Yamazaki, Hiroaki Masaki

Association of eHealth literacy with knowledge and screening practice about colorectal cancer among Japanese adults
Seigo Mitsutake, Ai Shibata, Kaori Ishii, Kanzo Okazaki, Koichiro Oka

Effect of voluntary exercise and energy restriction on bone mineral density in female rat model
Kaoru Yanaka, Mitsuru Higuchi, Yoshiko Ishimi

Perceived environmental factors associated with physical activity among normal-weight and overweight Japanese men
Yung Liao, Kazuhiro Harada, Ai Shibata, Kaori Ishii, Koichiro Oka, Yoshio Nakamura, Shigeru Inoue, Teruichi Shimomitsu

Motor programming of response sequence and movement duration: A chronometric analysis
Lu Xu, Hiroaki Masaki

Effect of home-based tube rowing training on trunk muscles in elderly men
Meiko Asaka, Hiroshi Kawano, Shizuo Sakamoto, Mitsuru Higuchi

Influence of aquatic exercise for elderly people with chronic low back pain
Natsuka Inoue, Koji Kaneoka, Toru Fukubayashi

Effectiveness of lumbar stabilization exercises for reducing chronic low back pain and improving quality-of-life
Megumi Ota, Koji Kaneoka, Mika Hangai, Kei Miyamoto, Keisuke Koizumi, Toshiki Muramatsu

Mechanisms of metabolic syndrome improvement by exercise training
Noriaki Kawanishi, Hiromi Yano, Katsuhiko Suzuki

Psychological, social and environmental factors associated with the use of senior center in Korean older adults: Rationale, design and methods
Hyunshik Kim, Kazuhiro Harada, Masashi Miyashita, Yoshio Nakamura

Effects of pre-sleep intensive exercise on the following night sleep
Kohei Shioda, Kazushige Goto, Sunao Uchida

Correlates of awareness of the Japanese Food Guide Spinning Top and change of awareness from 2007 to 2009
Kanae Takaizumi, Kazuhiro Harada, Ai Shibata, Yoshio Nakamura

Aerobic exercise-induced changes of ankle to brachial pressure index and menstrual cycle-dependent inflammation
Harumi Hayashida, Mayura Shimura, Katsuhiko Suzuki

Psychological, social, and environmental factors to meeting physical activity recommendations among Chinese adults
Jiameng Ma, Ai Shibata, Isao Muraoka

Triceps surae muscle-tendon unit changes its length as a function of ankle joint angles and contraction levels: The effect of foot arch deformation
Soichiro Iwanuma, Ryota Akagi, Satoru Hashizume, Hiroaki Kanehisa, Toshimasa Yanai, Yasuo Kawakami

Sources of strength training information, perceived health benefits of strength training, and strength training intention among Japanese older adults
Kazuhiro Harada, Ai Shibata, Koichiro Oka, Yoshio Nakamura

Symposium 80-89 第4回グローバルCOE国際シンポジウム – Poster Presentation / Project I
Does physical fitness modify the association of low birth weight with metabolic risk?
Tomoko Aoyama, Kazuyo Tsushita, Nobuyuki Miyatake, Takeyuki Numata, Izumi Tabata, Zhen-Bo Cao, Shizuo Sakamoto, Mitsuru HiguchiThe imagined mind=body and contemporary health culture: Using the relationship between Thai massage and Yoga as clues
Kohei Kogiso, Tsuneo Sogawa

Adolescent’s ankle joint as a lever system: It provides the triceps surae with speed advantage over adult’s
Satoru Hashizume, Soichiro Iwanuma, Yasuo Kawakami, Toshimasa Yanai

A one-year longitudinal study on the fascicle length of medial gastrocnemius muscle and the Achilles tendon length in adolescent boys
Yasuyoshi Mogi, Suguru Torii, Hiroaki Kanehisa, Yasuo Kawakami, Toshimasa Yanai

Patterns of physical activity among Japanese junior high school students
Li He, Kaori Ishii, Mai Sato, Ai Shibata, Koichiro Oka

The strategy aimed at promoting women’s physical education in Japan: Focus on beauty values in prewar era
Yoshimi Kasuga, Hidenori Tomozoe

Sleep deprivation influences exercise tolerance and stress systems
Masayuki Konishi, Masaki Takahashi, Hiroki Tabata, Naoya Endo, ShigeharuNumao, Shun Takagi, Yuka Yamada, Masashi Miyashita, Taishi Midorikawa, Katsuhiko Suzuki, Shizuo Sakamoto

Estimation of lean body mass in children using a three-dimensional photonic image scanning technique
Kayo Shitara, Toshimasa Yanai, Yasuo Kawakami

Baseball and civilization – A study on Noko baseball team during the Japanese ruling period
Sheng-Lung Lin, Tsuneo Sogawa

The formation of “Konjo Theory” in sports: To reconsider characteristics of sports in postwar Japan
Yusuke Okabe, Hidenori Tomozoe, Yoshimi Kasuga, Takeshi Yoshinaga

Symposium 73-79 第4回グローバルCOE国際シンポジウム – Symposium II
Examining the representation of sporting women in Taiwanese trendy drama-Hot Shot
Tseng Yu-HsienHeart-capturing (Kandoh) scene in sports
Daichi Oshimi, Munehiko HaradaTransformational leadership, psychological empowerment, and organizational citizenship behavior in team sport organizations: Mediating effect of psychological empowerment
Sohee Kim

Female’s participating in China’s sport
Lu Ling

Force production in lengthened skeletal muscle
Tim Leonard

Adolescent’s ankle joint as a lever system: it provides the triceps surae with speed advantage over adult’s
Satoru Hashizume, Toshimasa Yanai

Neurophysiological correlates in peak performance
Vera Brummer, Stefan Schneider, Heiko K. Struder

Symposium 66-72 第4回グローバルCOE国際シンポジウム – Symposium I
Spatial and temporal accuracy in baseball hitting
Takatoshi Higuchi, Tomoyuki Nagami, Nobuaki Mizuguchi, Hiroki Nakata, Kazuyuki KanosueA successful polarized endurance training model programs characteristic of Chinese elite speed skaters
Hongjun Yu

Efficacy of the injury prevention program on collegiate football teams – Two years randomized prospective study
Yasuaki Saho, Toru Fukubayashi

The response of adipokines/ myokines to acute and chronic high intensity interval training
Melanie Leggate

Muscular strength is associated with metabolic risk independently of abdominal adiposity in Japanese women.
Tomoko Aoyama, Meiko Asaka, Toshimichi Ishijima, Hiroshi Kawano, Zhen-Bo Cao, Shizuo Sakamoto, Izumi Tabata, Mitsuru Higuchi

Vibration training exerts neuroprotective effects on the substantia nigra dopaminergic neurons in Parkinson’s disease model of mice
Ms. Li Zhao

Joint association of physical activity and screen time with overweight and its socio-demographic correlates among Japanese adults
Yung Liao, Kazuhiro Harada, Ai Shibata, Kaori Ishii, Koichiro Oka, Yoshio Nakamura, Shigeru Inoue, Teruichi Shimomitsu

Symposium 64-65 第4回グローバルCOE国際シンポジウム – Keynote lecture II
Introduction to sapiomics and sportsomics
Masashi Tanaka, Noriyuki Fuku, Eri Mikami, Kunpei Tanisawa
Symposium 63 第4回グローバルCOE国際シンポジウム – Special lecture II
Sport sponsorship and virtual advertising
Yosuke Tsuji
Symposium 62 第4回グローバルCOE国際シンポジウム – Special lecture I
Value creation through high quality sporting events
Masayuki Yoshida
Symposium 61 第4回グローバルCOE国際シンポジウム – Keynote lecture I
Sport science in Germany
Walter Tokarski
資料 294-295 Calgary visit
Yung Liao
資料 292-293 カルガリーで得た教訓
資料 290-291 カルガリー大学との研究交流会
資料 288-289 カルガリー大学訪問での活動報告
資料 286-287 カルガリー大学との学術交流参加報告
資料 284-285 カルガリー大学との学術交流に関する報告
資料 282-283 カルガリー大学との学術交流報告