掲載論文 2013年 (Vol.10)

種別 ページ 抄録 本文 / 著者
論文 233-241 Skeletal Muscle Oxygenation during the Nagewaza Kakari Exercise in Judo
芳賀脩光, 木崎節子, 佐藤章悟, 武政徹, 江崎和希, 植屋清見, 會田文夫, 橋本昇, 小笠原準悦, 櫻井拓也, 浜岡隆文, 勝村俊仁, 桜井智野風, 大野秀樹
論文 223-232 日本のフィットネスクラブにおける利用目的と集団形成に関する社会学的考察
論文 209-222 スポーツコーチングの看護技術指導への活用の提案
論文 198-208 骨盤傾斜の変化が動作の遅速に及ぼす影響
柳下幸太郎, 広瀬統一
論文 183-197 女もすなるJiu-jitsu:二十世紀初頭のイギリスにおける女性参政権運動と柔術
岡田 桂
論文 173-182 Jリーグクラブ ・ユース指導者と高等学校サッカー部指導者との指導哲学の比較
論文 164-172 2010 FIFA WORLD CUP SOUTH AFRICAにおけるボール奪取後の速攻に関する研究―ベスト4に進出したチームに注目して
田村達也,堀野博幸,瀧井敏郎,土屋 純
論文 151-163 ウエイトリフティング選手におけるスナッチおよびスクワットの最高挙上重量と特異動作パワーの関係
論文 49-61 マスターズ・ウエイトリフティング選手の骨密度,筋力,筋断面積から見た高強度レジスタンストレーニングの影響
論文 34-48 Diagonal technique of cross country skiing on 50km classical race in FIS Nordic World Ski Championships 2007
論文 26-33 一流男子ソフトボール打者のソフトボール打撃と野球打撃の比較
論文 12-25 参加動機が観戦意図へ与える影響についての検討-テニスを事例として-
霜島広樹, 木村和彦
論文 1-11 間欠的絶食による摂取エネルギー制限がラット骨格筋のPGC-1αおよびGLUT-4蛋白発現量に及ぼす影響
資料 317-318 Short visit in Loughborough University
Wang Chengcheng
資料 242-316 1912年~2008年夏季オリンピック日本代表選手団に関する資料:所属組織と最終学歴を中心に
資料 62-65 グローバルCOEレポート25: 第8回グローバルCOE国際シンポジウム
Symposium 81-150 The 8th International Sport Science Symposium on “Sport Sciences for the Promotion of Active Life”
Poster Presentation / Abstract
Knee Flexor Strength and Morphology of the Semitendinosus Muscle after Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction
Yumi Nomura, Rieko Kuramochi, Toru Fukubayashi

A study on causal relationship between dominant region and offense-defense performance – Focusing on time of the ball take
Fumiya Ueda, Masaaki Honda,Hiroyuki Horino

Morphological profiles of the quadriceps femoris in varsity oarsmen and cyclists
Ryoichi Ema, Taku Wakahara, Yasuo Kawakami

Differences between left and right hand displacement of head up swimming on surf lifesavers
Reira Hara, Isao Muraoka

Effects of antioxidant supplementation on exercise-induced activation of signal transduction pathways in mice skeletal muscle
Koichi Yada, Noriaki Kawanishi, Tsubasa Mizokami, Katsuhiko Suzuki

The instance of subacromial impingement during front crawl swimming
DU Tanghuizi, YANAI Toshimasa

Impact characteristics for “the same-field and opposite-field hitting” in softball
Shuji Kidokoro, Ayumi Shigenobu, Shoji Konda, Toshimasa Yanai

Abdominal breathing technique reduces fluid resistance force
Yusuke Maruyama, Shoji Konda, Toshimasa Yanai

The relationship among muscle hardness, tonus and knee laxity
Takahisa Yonezu1, Toru Fukubayashi

Comparison of rotational movement of runner about vertical axis between sidestep cutting and running along a curved path
Takahiko Sato, Toshimasa Yanai

Contribution of Visual Information about Ball Trajectory to Baseball Hitting Accuracy
Takatoshi Higuchi, Tomoyuki Nagami, Kanosue Kazuyuki

Effect of feedback on the accuracy of reaching movement
Akinori Uchibori, Kazuyuki Kanosue

ACL Injury Risk during Maturation in Female Basketball Players
Reiko Otsuki, Toru Fukubayashi

Loading asymmetries in treadmill walking 6 months following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
Takuma Hoshiba, Toru Fukubayashi

Mechanism of “rolling”of baseball bat around long-axis during batting action
Takuya Yanaka, Shuji Kidokoro, Shoji Konda, Toshimasa Yanai

Perceptual performance of skilled tennis players: perception-action coupling and uncoupling
Takahiro Ogata, Kazunobu Fukuhara, Hirofumi Ida, Motonobu Ishii, Toru Fukubayashi

Probabilistic atlas of the shoulder range of motion in young adults: visualizing the combined range of elevation and horizontal ad/abduction angles
Manabu Kosaka, ToshimasaYanai

Key mechanical factors for accelerating the bat in baseball batting
Yoshitaka Morishita, Toshimasa Yanai

Acupuncture treatment improves spiral wire immobilization-induced skeletal muscle atrophy and reduces Ca2+ATPase (SERCA1) expression
Akiko Onda, Susumu Minamisawa, Toru Fukubayashi

Gender-related difference in the foot structure as a lever system for children, adolescents and adults : A cross-sectional study
Satoru Hashizume, Soichiro Iwanuma, Yasuo Kawakami, Toshimasa Yanai

Comparison of the Achilles tendon length change measured in two- and three-dimensions
Atsuki Fukutani, Ryoichi Ema, Kosuke Hirata, Satoru Hashizume, Taku, Wakahara, Yasuo Kawakami

The influence of morning and evening endurance exercise on metabolic responses in young men
Hyeon-Ki Kim, Masaki Takahashi, Masayuki Konishi, Shizuo Sakamoto

Relationship between cardiorespiratory fitness, visceral fat and cardiometabolic risk in Japanese elderly men
Kumpei Tanisawa, Mitsuru Higuchi

Muscle relaxation of the foot induces the increase of intracortical inhibition of hand muscles
Kouki Kato, Hiroki Nakata, Kento Nakagawa, Yusuke Uchida Kazuyuki Kanosue

The constraint of mental simulation of multi-limb coordination
Kento Nakagawa, Saeko Kawashima, Tetsuro Muraoka, Kazuyuki Kanosue

Coordinative control of equilibrium and posture in high leg kick
Ying Liang, Masanori Sakaguchi, Kazuyuki Kanosue

Influence of birth weight and physical activity level on health related physical fitness in children
Ying Liang, Masanori Sakaguchi, Kazuyuki Kanosue

Effects of free-living daily physical activity on the epidermal barrier in elderly
Nobuhiko Eda, Kazuhiro Shimizu, Satomi Suzuki, Yoko Tanabe, Eunjae Lee, Takao Akama

Effects of curcumin supplementation on exercise-induced oxidative stress in humans
Masaki Takahashi, Katsuhiko Suzuki, Hyeon-Ki Kim, Yoshihiko Otsuka, Atsushi Imaizumi, Masashi Miyashita, Shizuo Sakamoto

A sportswear supporting core muscles induces both positive mood states and cognitive function following acute aerobic exercise
Seongryu Bae, Keita Kamijo, Hiroaki Masaki

Effect of neutrophil depletion on the exercise-induced angiogenesis in skeletal muscle
Tsubasa Mizokami, Noriaki Kawanishi, Katsuhiko Suzuki

The relationship between rowing and Lumber Intervertebral Disk Degeneration in collegiate rowers
Chie Sekine, Yu Okubo, Naoto Matsunaga, Ayuko Nishikawa, Koji Kaneoka

Establishment of cell culture system for analysis of exercise-induced immunoregulation
Yung-Li Hung, Noriaki Kawanishi, Katsuhiko Suzuki

Effect of 3 day sleep restriction on physical functions
Chie Kubota, Masanobu Hibi, Tomohiro Mizuno, Yuuki Mitsui, Sunao Uchida

Physical training does not decrease moderate-to-vigorous intensity lifestyle physical activity in female lacrosse players
Asumi Yoshida, Kazuko Ishikawa-Takata, Motoko Taguchi, Shigeho Tanaka, Mitsuru Higuchi

Functional loci of response sequence complexity and movement duration during motor programming
Lu Xu, Werner Sommer, Hiroaki Masaki

Appetite scores in the morning are associated with subsequent sedentary behavior
Takafumi Ando, Masashi Miyashita, Mitsuru Higuchi, Shigeho Tanaka

Influence of intentional body weight gain on resting energy expenditure in male power athletes
Satomi Oshima, Sakiho Miyauchi, Hiroshi Kawano, Motoko Taguchi, Suguru Torii, Mitsuru Higuchi

Effects of exercise training on endothelial progenitor stem cells in middle-aged men with visceral obesity
Jong-Hwan Park, Yoo-Chan Kwon, Masashi Miyashita, Eun-Hee Kim, Jin-kee Park, Sung-Soo Lee, Hyun-Hoon Jung, Yong-Seok So, Eung-Young Kim, Seung-Teak Lim, Ga-Ram Hong, Ji-Na Shin, Jung-I Kim, Young-Hoon Kim, Yoshio Nakamura, Sang-Kab Park

Does a single nucleotide polymorphism in 3′-untranslated region of CNTFR modify micro RNA binding?
Eri Mikami, Yasunori Fujita, Masafumi Ito, Mitsuru Higuchi, Masashi Tanaka, Noriyuki Fuku

Effect of fasting condition on thermal preference and heat-escape/cold-seeking behavior in mice
Cheng-Hsien Lin, Kei Nagashima

A New Miraculous Revitalization on Japan? Comparative Analysis of Tokyo 1964 Olympic Games and Bidding for 2020
Yuan Shuying, Tsuneo Sogawa

A consideration of the argument about the position of body formation in P.E.: With focus on the “Nakamura-Enda argument”
Yusuke Okada,Hidenori Tomozoe

Prevalence, purposes and perceived effectiveness of complementary and alternative medicine use in a hypertension population: A questionnaire survey
Huanhuan Hu, Gang Li, Takashi Arao

The monetary value of elite sport success in Japan estimated through contingent valuation method
Hiroaki Funahashi, Yoshiyuki Mano

Focused interview on school-aged children’s mental health and active play in Japan
Yinghua Lee, Koji Takenaka

Motives of Sport Spectators – A Case Study of Chinese Super League
Chengcheng Wang, Hirotaka Matsuoka

Reconstructing and Advancing Physical Culture in China between 1950s and 1970s
Guo Zhen

The elderly members’ attitude toward of Community Sport Club
Tzu-yu Lin, Seiichi Sakuno

Multilevel correlates of school-based physical activity among Japanese adolescent girls
Li He, Kaori Ishii, Ai Shibata, Koichiro Oka

The relationship between coach’s leadership behavior and athlete’s perceived motivational climate across the athletic season
Homare Saotome, Kazuhiro Harada, Yoshio Nakamura

Pro-environmental behavior of sports participants – Focus on trail running participants
Kurumi Matsui, Munehiko Harada

Expected Qualification for External Coaches in School-based Extracurricular Sport Activities
Kenryu Aoyagi, Kaori Ishii, Ai Shibata, Hirokazu Arai, Chisato Hibi, Koichiro Oka

Perceived Benefits and Walking for Specific Purposes among Middle-aged Japanese
Yasuko Kochi, Kazuhiro Harada, Yoshio Nakamura

The relationship between club performance and wage in J-League by Panel analysis
Takayuki Fukuhara

Effective incentive for exercise for each stage of change
Munehiro Matsushita, Takashi Arao

Boost the Korean Wrestling Development of the Korean Minority Nationality Region in Yanbian of China by Tourist-Oriented Method – a field investigation on females’ participating in wrestling of the Korean minority nationality
Changming Yang, Sougawa Tsuneo

Ethics of Collective Responsibility in Japan’s High School Baseball
Mitsuharu Omine

The Concept Reconstructed of National Union and Social Harmony in the 9th National Traditional Games of Ethnic Minorities of China-A Sport Anthroplogy Study
Chiachi Cheng, Tsuneo Sougawa

Motorcycle sports and cultural identity of East Asia: A case study of Asia road racing championship
Chang Wen Uei, Lee A.Thompson

The metamorphosis of “the sick man of the East Asia” in the world of Sports: Judging the bodily discourse in the Chinese Olympics’ Press Coverage of Foreign and Chinese Athletes in 1984-2012
Yiyin Ding, Lee Thompson

Research into Spectators of the Japan Women’s National Football Team Matches: Using the Points of Attachments Index (PAI)
Daichi Oshimi, Munehiko Harada, Junya Fujimoto, Hirotaka Matsuoka, Yoshinori Taguchi

Associations of knee pain and low back pain with health-related quality of life among Japanese older adults
Yung Liao, Ai Shibata, Kaori Ishii, Yoshio Nakamura, Koichiro Oka

Aerobic fitness and cognitive control strategy in preadolescent children
Keita Kamijo, Seongryu Bae, Hiroaki Masaki

Using Baseball to Reconstruct the Impression of Taiwan Aborigines During the Japanese Ruling Period (1895-1945)
Sheng-Lung Lin, Tsuneo Sogawa

The same equation can be used for both sexes to predict resting energy expenditure in Japanese athletes
Motoko Taguchi, Satomi Oshima, Hiroko Murata, Asumi Yoshida, Suguru Torii, Shizuo Sakamoto, Mitsuru Higuchi

Effects of flexibility levels on stretching exercise- induced reduction in arterial stiffness
Yuko Gando1, Hiroshi Kawano, Reira Hara, Isao Muraoka

Age-related visual functions affecting postural control: a comparative study of young adults and the elderly
Kotomi Shiota, Akira Takanashi, Tadamitsu Matsuda ,Yoshio Nakamura

Objective measures of neighborhood environment and physical activity among Japanese adults
Kaori Ishii, Ai Shibata, Koichiro Oka

Relationship between self-reported history of the head impact and the performance on cognitive tests of sports-related concussion in high school rugby football players
Norikazu Hirose, Akira Kumazaki

Symposium 66-80 The 8th International Sport Science Symposium on “Sport Sciences for the Promotion of Active Life”
Oral Presentation / Abstract
Why black athletes dominate certain sports: Nature and nurture?
Yannis Pitsiladis

Biomechanical Profile of World Top Sprinters
Yasuo Kawakami

Physiology of the marathon: How fast might they go?
Edward F. Coyle

Blood lactate concentration as a tool in the athletic field
Hideo Hatta

A comprehensive approach to study kinematics and muscle activity of sport specific movements
Hendrik Enders

The instance of subacromial impingement during front crawl swimming
Tanghuizi Du, Toshimasa Yanai

Research of characteristics of plantar pressure distribution in obesity children
Xiaofeng Zou

Overload Training Inhibits Phagocytosis and ROS Generation of Peritoneal Macrophages: Role of IGF-1 and MGF
Weihua Xiao, Peijie Chen

Effects of taekwondo program on cystatin C and physical fitness in metabolic syndrome: Age and sex differences
Seung-Taek Lim

Determinants of sport participation in Germany
Kirstin Hallmann

The Effectiveness of Relationship Marketing Activities Applied to Amateur Baseball Clubs
Kisung Kwon

Mucosal immune function and exercise in wheelchair athletes
Christof Leicht

The conditioning tests for CBA elite basketball players
Shaohui Jin

The effect of limited absolute frequency of self-controlled feedback on motor skill performance and learning
Min-jen Tsai, Hank Jwo

Muscle relaxation of the foot reduces the corticospinal excitability of hand muscles via intracortical inhibition
Kouki Kato